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Direction for exhibitors

With regard to measures related to the spread of the Covid-19 corona virus, this year’s dog shows are open with certain restrictions. In accordance with applicable regulations, the exhibition will take place without public access. If measures are released, we will publish new information in a timely manner.

Applicable measures in relation to the health situation are published on the following links:


  • Foreign exhibitors from countries that will be allowed to enter the territory of the Slovak Republic at the time of the exhibition will be admitted to the exhibition (the country must be published in the list of less risky countries of the Public Health Office of the Slovak Republic). The organizer has the right not to accept dogs of exhibitors from countries with limited, respectively. excluded stay in Slovakia.
  • At the exhibition center, the measures valid at the time of the exhibition must be observed by the Public Health Office of the Slovak Republic related to the prevention of the spread of Covid-19
  • Exhibitors who do not enter the final competitions will leave the premises after the assessment.
  • The online catalog will be published on the website www.duodanube.sk on the day of the exhibition from 8 am, it is not published in printed form.
  • Acceptance of the application will be confirmed by the entry letter. Owners of registered dogs print their entry sheets from the online system themselves (approximately 7 days before the show). Catalog numbers are also part of the entry form. Numbers are not issued at the exhibition. Exhibitors will bring the printed ones with them to the exhibition. Upon entry, they will be checked and the clipping will be taken from them as from a valid ticket, therefore the exhibitor cannot go to the exhibition grounds without a printed entry form.
  • After entering the premises, exhibitors go directly to the appropriate ring.
  • The entry of the results in the certificates of origin and the issuance of prizes will be in a specified area (marked on the map of showgrounds), where the specified distance must be observed.
  • Competition for children – Junior Handling – registration through the Junior Handling Club Slovakia – www.juniorhandling.sk.
  • At the show it is necessary to follow the instructions of the show committee.