
all breeds

Titles and challenge certificates

*World Special Minor Puppy Winner 2024 – the title is automatically awarded to a dog and a bitch with the VN1 award in the Minor Puppy class (only Friday 25.10.2024

*World Special  Puppy Winner 2024 – the title is automatically awarded to a dog and a bitch with the VN1 award in the Puppy class (only Friday 25.10.2024) 

*World Special  Junior Winner 2024 – the title is automatically awarded to a dog and a bitch with the CAJC/FCI CACIB-J junior class (only Friday 25.10.2024)

*World Special  Winner 2024 – dogs and bitches who have won the CAC compete for the title (len piatok 25.10.2024)

*World Special  Veteran Winner 2024 – the title is automatically awarded to a dog and a bitch with the FCI CACIB-V veteran class (only Friday 25.10.2024)

*Only for Slovak national breeds

CAJC SR – the qualifying certificate for the Slovak Junior Champion title can be awarded to a dog and a bitch that is Excellent 1 in the Junior class.

CAC SR – the qualifying certificate for awarding the Slovak Champion title can be obtained by a dog and a bitch with is Excellent 1 in the intermediate, open, working and champion classes.

Res. CAC SR – can be obtained by a dog and a bitch with Excellent 2 in the intermediate, open, working and champion classes providing that the CAC has been also awarded to the first dog/bitch placed in that class.

FCI CACIB –  the qualifying certificate for the International Championship. Dogs and bitches of the FCI recognized breeds that was awarded with Excellent 1 in intermediate, open, working and champion class compete for the FCI CACIB. The FCI CACIB is not automatically and compulsorily linked to the  Excellent 1.

FCI Res. CACIB – can be awarded to the second best dog/bitch from those with the Excellent 1 or Excellent 2 from the class where the winner has also received the FCI CACIB. It is not compulsory to award the FCI Reserve CACIB.

FCI CACIB JUNIOR (FCI CACIB-J) – the qualifying certificate for the international youth beauty champion. A dog and a bitch with exceptional qualities can be proposed for the award of FCI CACIB JUNIOR.

Dogs and bitches of breeds recognized by the FCI, which have won the award Excellent 1, CAJC, advance to the competition. Only one FCI-CACIB-J can be awarded per sex, breed and breeding variety (according to the FCI breed nomenclature). The FCI CACIB-J waiting award is not claimable and is subject to confirmation through the FCI. FCI CACIB-J Reserve is not granted.

FCI CACIB VETERAN (FCI CACIB-V) – the qualifying for the international beauty champion of veterans. A dog and a bitch with exceptional qualities can be proposed for the award of FCI CACIB VETERAN. Dogs and bitches of breeds recognized by the FCI, which have received the award Excellent 1, advance to the competition. Only one FCI-CACIB-V can be awarded per sex, breed and breeding variety (according to the nomenclature of FCI breeds). The FCI CACIB-V waiting award is not claimable and is subject to confirmation through the FCI. FCI CACIB-V Reserve is not granted.

Junior Best of Breed (BOJ) – awarded to the best dog or bitch that is FCI CACIB-J in Junior Class.

Veteran Best of Breed (BOV) – awarded to the best dog or bitch that is FCI CACIB-V in Veteran Class

Best of Breed (BOB) – awarded to the best dog or bitch in each breed. The FCI CACIB-J, FCI CACIB, FCI CACIB-V

BOS – Best of Opposite Sex

Junior Best of Group (Junior BIG) – all BOJ title holders in the respective groups compete. The first one will be awarded.

Best of Group (BIG) – all BOB title holders in the respective groups compete. The first three will be awarded.